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Find a Job in Hounslow

Below are some job providers that work with Hounslow to help Young People with SEND get into paid employment.

Our Barn
Our Barn Pump & Grind Coffee Shop and employability programme.

Pump & Grind not only provides a café for visitors to the London Museum of Water & Steam, but offers training and work experience to their members and seek to connect with local businesses for well-supported work experience placements.

Click here to learn more about Our Barn.

Work Hounslow
Work Hounslow are the skills and employment team for the Borough and provide:

  • Information, advice and guidance for those seeking employment
  • Support with reskilling and upskilling opportunities, including funding
  • Job search, CV writing and interview techniques and training
  • Targeted employer engagement - supporting our businesses with advice on creating opportunities for local residents

Click here to learn more about Work Hounslow.

ABLE2: Action West London
The aim of the ABLE2 project is to provide specialist, expert support to move young people into a new opportunity be it through education, training, or employment.

This project is a free service for young Londoners aged 16-24 that may have physical or long-term health components that could be preventing them from progressing into opportunities.

Click here to learn more about Action West London.

If you are a resident of either Ealing or Hounslow and are aged 16-24, have a learning or other disability and you have recently become unemployed, Ealing Mencap’s Job Start Project can help you. 

Click here to learn more about the MENCAP service.

Other Local, Regional & National Providers

Below are some other Local, Regional and National services:

Prince's Trust:
Click here to go to the Prince's Trust.

National Careers Service:
Click here to go to the National Careers Service.

Careers Helpline for Teenagers:
Click here to go to the Careers Helpline for Teenagers.

GOV.uk Find a Job:
Click here to go to the GOV.uk Find a Job.

Job Centre Plus:
Click here to go to the Job Centre Plus.

Youth Employment:
Click here to go to the Youth Employment.