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SEND Youth Voice Forum

Hounslow Youth Voice Forum- You're Never Too Young To Make A Change

Are you aged 14 - 25?
  • Do you live, study or work in Hounslow and access SEND services?
  • Would you like to work with Decision makers in Hounslow
  • Would you like to use your #YouthVoice to help improve SEND service?
  • What's in it for you?

    • have lots of fun
    • meet new friends
    • get your voice heard
    • get a AQA accreditation

    To find out more, please contact Garrett at garrett.chin@hounslow.gov.uk

    Check out this video for more information!
    Click here to watch the video

    Co-Production Charter

    As a Local Authority, we at Hounslow are committed to working together with our residents and professionals to make our services as accessible as possible. You can read more about our commitment in our Co-Production Charter. 

    Click here to read the Co-Production Charter.