As part of an EHC Needs Assessment, the Local Authority is required to seek input from all of the following (as a minimum):
- You and your child
- Educational advice (usually from the SENCO or class teacher);
- Medical advice and information from a health care professional;
- Psychological advice and information from an educational psychologist;
- Advice and information in relation to social care;
- Where the child or young person is in or beyond year 9, advice and information in relation to preparing for adulthood; and
- Advice and information from any person that you reasonably request the Council to seek advice from.
Any existing evidence for example, private reports from professionals, submitted by parents must also be considered.
In exceptional cases, despite the school having taken relevant and purposeful action through the graduated approach, a pupil may not have made the expected progress in one or more of the four headline areas of SEN.
The four Special Educational Needs headline areas are:
- Cognition & Learning
- Communication & Interaction
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health
- Physical and/or Sensory (including Hearing and/or Visual Impairment).
If there is evidence that a pupil may have an SEN, the school, or you, may consider requesting an EHC Needs Assessment. This should be in exceptional circumstances and should never be the first response to meeting a pupil’s needs.
For Further Information on EHC Needs Assessments: Check out these Sites!