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Supermarket Shopping

Supermarket Shopping - Sensory Friendly

Supermarkets and Sensory Friendly Shopping
People can feel, see and experience the world in different ways. Creating a calm and quieter environment for any customer who needs it is a low-cost effort that will make a positive difference to the shopping experience of many. To that end, many National, Regional and Local supermarkets and retail chains are now offering more inclusive shopping experience, one that is more “Sensory Friendly”.

Below is a short list of some Sensory Friendly initiatives that supermarkets have implemented:

  • Sunflower Lanyard - Some national chains offer free Sunflower lanyards to customers with a hidden disability. Ask at the customer service desk in larger stores, or at the checkout in smaller ones
  • Quiet Shopping Time - quiet hour in stores. Dim lighting, emergency only loud speaker announcements, no music and quieter till sound
  • Changing Place Toilets - These are larger than a normal disabled toilet and include a changing bench, hoist and privacy screen
  • Facilities for the hard of hearing – hearing loops and signage
  • Booking help in advance – telephone to book an assistant to help you shop
  • Shopping aids for Autistic people - visual guide to shopping and download visual shopping list
  • Simple and easy refuelling for disabled drivers - helping disabled drivers find and get assistance with refuelling their cars
  • Large text on self-service checkouts – for partially sighted customers.

To be clear, the Quiet Shopping Time doesn't guarantee that there will be fewer customers, but rather that factors will be reduced such as lighting being dimmed, and intercom announcements being turned off compared to 'normal' shopping hours. Not all supermarkets have Quiet Shopping Time or have it at the same time as others - please check your preferred supermarket website for more details.

Quiet Shopping Times
Listed below are the sensory friendly Quiet Shopping Times for national supermarkets. If you know a store that has not been included please Email The Local Offer and we will include the details on this page.

Quiet Shopping Times for national supermarkets (alphabetical order)
  • Aldi – on Tuesdays from 8:00am to 10:00am and Saturdays from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
  • Asda - Monday to Thursday from 2:00pm and 3:00pm
  • LidlTuesday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
  • Morrisons - Saturdays from 9:00am to 10:000am
  • Tesco - Wednesday and Saturday from 9:00am to 10:00am
Please note that Sainsbury's offer a Sunflower Lanyard. Please speak to Customer Services in your store for more information.