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PFA: Considering Your Future

Things to Consider

As a Young Person with SEND, a lot of people can give you a lot of information regarding your future and what options are available but remember that your future is your own - it is important you play your part in its development! A key part of this is being as realistic as possible in this approach. 

Below are some questions that you should consider when thinking about your future: 

  1. What qualifications and skills do you think you might need to work on?
  2. Which college courses or training programmes will this require?
  3. How will you gather information to make well-informed decisions about your future?
  4. What kind of support might you require?
  5. Which employment options or pathways you could take to achieve your career goals?
  6. What steps do you need to take in order to move closer to your employment ambitions?
  7. What do you want your future living arrangements to be and which relationships can support you with this?
  8. Where can you find information about transportation any any support you could get?
  9. Might you have any potential future Health or Social Care needs?
  10. How can you maintain good health and a healthy lifestyle? 
  11. Which other universal services could be of assistance to you?

To access valuable resources and make well-informed decisions about the future, you can make use of all the information in this SEND Local Offer

Additionally, the Transition Information Network offers useful resources catered to Parent Carers and Young People with SEND covering various areas including activities, housing, employment, finances and participation.