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What is Educational Psychology?

What is Educational Psychology?

Educational Psychologists (EPs) are trained to apply psychological theory, research and techniques to support children, young people, their families, schools and other services. All EPs are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). Schools in Hounslow have a linked Educational Psychologist who provides a set number of visits each term. 

Who do we help? 

EPs in Hounslow work with early years settings, schools, colleges and families for the benefit of children and young people who present with significant special educational needs, between the ages of 0-25. 

What we do 

EPs in Hounslow visit nurseries, schools, colleges and specialist settings regularly. We meet with teachers, parents/carers and often children and young people themselves, to gain an understanding of the child or young person’s strengths and the barriers to their learning/education, including their emotional well-being 

We often liaise and/or work in partnership with other agencies and professionals who are supporting a child or young person

We work together with those who know the child or young person well on learning programmes and/or strategies to meet individual needs

Sometimes we will undertake individual assessment of a child/young person to gain a clearer picture of the current situation

We can also advise parents about managing difficulties at home that may be affecting the child in their school or setting

We have a formal role in contributing to the statutory assessment of children and young people with severe and complex needs for their Education Health and Care Plan.

How do Educational Psychologists become involved?

We are asked to become involved with children and young people by their school and sometimes by other professionals and agencies (e.g. Speech and Language Therapists, Paediatricians) 

Parental consent is always sought before we become involved

Parents/carers can contact the allocated Educational Psychologist through the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) at the school/setting who, in collaboration with the EP, prioritises the children to be seen.

Where can I find further information?

There is more information available from the Educational Psychology page of the Hounslow Council website 

Service details 

Referral required? Yes please complete Child and Family Needs assessment form

Who needs to make the referral? Professionals

Age Range : 0-25

Telephone Contact : 020 8583 4188