The following are some examples of the types of interventions and resources available. This is not an exhaustive or definitive list nor is it a checklist to be worked through. Branded tools / resources referred to are examples only and not approved, recommended or quality assured by London Borough of Hounslow.
Examples of pupil needs
- difficulty acquiring new skills (particularly literacy and numeracy)
- difficulty in dealing with abstract ideas or in forming concepts
- some speech and language difficulties, such as generalising information, understanding abstract language
- some difficulties with fine or gross motor skills
- some signs of frustration or episodes of disengagement
- difficulties with skills such as sequencing, ordering, word finding
- some phonological and short-term memory difficulties
Examples of interventions
- say pupil’s name and eye contact established before giving clear and simple instructions, broken down into chunks and given one at a time
- visual cues and prompts, visual timetable
- clarify, display and refer back to new and/or difficult vocabulary and key vocabulary displayed or available
- multi-sensory approach to learning (Visual Auditory Kin-aesthetic)
- consistent use of terms, positive language and positive marking
- consistent implementation of rewards and sanctions
- repetition and reinforcement of skills
- targeted / guided lessons in literacy and/or numeracy
- develop a range of working memory strategies and study skills
Examples of resources
Environmental examples
- writing frames (tables or headed boxes to provide structure / prompts)
- individual whiteboards
- vocabulary, memory or flash cards
Resources within the learning environment
- ACE dictionary (for spelling, a look-up system using vowel sounds)
- Cloze passage (pupil fills in missing words from a word bank)
- Numicon, Unicornmaths, Rapid Maths
- Communication Toolkit – objects, film clips, concrete apparatus
- reading programmes such as Rapid Reading, Letters and Sounds, Wellington Square, Oxford Reading Tree, Every Child a Reader
- Wave 3 maths resources
- specialist support from outside agencies including Educational Psychologist, SENSS, Therapy Services
Early Literacy Support (ELS)Technology
laptop / tablets / Dictaphones,
spellcheckers, predictive text, speak to text software
Wheel of Apps Literacy, BBC touch typing, Dragon Software, Clicker, Textease, Texthelp, Wordbar, Clicker 6, Easispeak
catch up programmes such as reading phonics