Family Hub Timetable Central

Dates: Monday 2 September to Friday 20 December
Lampton Family Hub, Neville Close, Hounslow, TW3 4JG.
Tel: 020 8583 5720  Email:


Maternal Mood Clinic
Time: 9am to 3 pm
Notes: Appointments Only - To make an appointment call 020 8973 3490

Stay and Play
A fun, stimulating and safe environment for parents and children to take part in together.
Age: 0 to 5 years
Time: 9.30 to 10.30

Child Development Review Clinic
Time: 12noon to 4pm
Notes: Child development review with your Health Visitor, by appointment only. To make an appointment please call: 020 8973 3490.


Perinatal Appointments
Notes: Appointments via IAPT. Please speak to your Health Visitor or Midwife to book a session.

Meet a Speech and Language Therapist
By referral for families of children who are not already referred to the NHS Speech and Language Therapy Service. This is an opportunity for families to meet and understand the role of a Speech and Language Therapist, and get advice on how to support their child’s communication.
Age: 0 to 5 years
Notes: Booking Required. Referral is strictly via the Family Hub and Children’s Centre teams. For information contact email Family Hub

Stay and Play
A fun, stimulating and safe environment for parents and children to take part in together.
Age: 0 to 5 years
Time: 1 to 2 pm


Baby Café
A drop-in session, run by an NCT Breastfeeding Counsellor offering support, encouragement and reliable information. Whether getting ready to breastfeed, continuing breastfeeding, expressing, mixed feeding, formula feeding, introducing solids, or stopping breastfeeding.
Time: 10am to 12noon
Notes: Please arrive early in the session

Non Walkers
A relaxed and welcoming space to meet other families, ask questions about your babies: development, weaning, breastfeeding and play together. Each session ends with a short song or story time.
Time: 10 to 11am
Notes: No session 23 October

Baby Massage (5 week course)
A course to learn how to use nurturing touch to help you and your baby feel more relaxed together.
This is a 5-week course with a maximum of 6 families per group, suitable for parents/carers with babies from 6 weeks to 6 months.
Delivered by the Parent & Infant Relationship Service (PAIRS) Team
Time: 11.30am to 12.30pm
Notes: Booking required. Booking is required by emailing us.

Rhythm and Rhyme
A fun music session for children. Singing a mixture of traditional and new rhymes for children using Makaton.
Age: 18 months - 5 years
Time: 1 to 2pm
Notes: No session 23 October


Sharing Their World
A relaxed, friendly and supportive group for parents/carers; specifically tailored for children with additional needs, with or without a diagnosis including concerns of speech delay.
Age: 0 - 5 years with additional needs
Time: 10 to 11am
Notes: By invite only. If you would like to ask questions about this group, please contact email: Aisha Ghadialy or Tel: 0797 6770 792
No session 26 September

Baby TLC
A drop-in baby group for non-walkers and their parents/carers to play together, talk, listen and connect. Delivered by the Parent Infant Relationship Service (PAIRS) Team.
Time: 12noon to 1.30pm
Notes: By Invite only contact the Family Hub for more details

Triple P for Baby (4 sessions)
Whether you’re pregnant or your baby is already here, Triple P for Baby helps parents and carers who are looking for tips and ideas to help them navigate the challenges that come with having a new baby. It’s a toolbox of proven, positive strategies with a variety of practical ways to promote your baby’s development, build a stronger bond and support their emotional and physical health.
Age: Pregnancy to babies 12 months
Time: 2 to 4.30pm. 26 September to 17 October
Notes: Booking required. Families need to commit to attending all 4 sessions. To book please email the Family Hub.


Young Parents Group
Young parents group provides a warm, friendly and non-judgmental platform for you to play and learn together with your child.
Age: For parents under the age of 25 years
Time: 12noon to 1.30pm

Solihull Approach free online courses for Hounslow residents

Nurturing emotional health and wellbeing from bump to 19+ years. Please visit and follow the simple registration process, inputting the access code LBHPARENTS.

Further information

  • Please note that sessions have limited space. If a session is full, you won’t be able to join.
  • To attend a session, make sure you’re registered with Hounslow’s Children’s Centres and Family Hubs.
  • If you’re not sure about your registration or need to update your details, talk to a staff member.

We offer services for families with:

  • Children aged 0 to 19 years,
    up to 25 years old if they have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
  • Age ranges are specified for each session.
  • During school holidays, siblings up to 8 years old can participate in ‘Stay and Play’ sessions
  • If a session is cancelled at short notice we will inform you 24 hours in advance if possible.