Family Hub West

We offer:
A welcoming place with seamless support for families.
Information for families as and when they need it.
Where to find us:
Alf King, Family Hub West, 7 Hanworth Road, Feltham, TW13 5AF
Contact details:
Tel: 020 8583 3922 Email:

Weekly Session Schedule for Alf King Family Hub

Download a pdf copy of the timetable (PDF)
Dates: Monday 6 January to Friday 18 April
For sessions marked ‘With CAMHS, OT, SALT, SEND or PAIRS’ here is what they mean:
CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
OT - Occupational Therapist
SALT - Speech and Language Therapists
SEND – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
PAIRS - Parent and Infant Relationship Service (PAIRS) team

Monday 20 January, 1 to 2pm

Family Information
A drop-in session for parents to ask questions regarding free childcare, paying for childcare and starting nursery school. This session is run by Hounslow’s Family Information Service (FIS).


Child Development Reviews
Time: 9am  to 1pm
Notes: Appointment only with a Health Visitor. Please ring 020 8973 3490

Non Walkers
Age: Babies and children who are not yet walking;
Time: 10 to 11.30am
Session details: A relaxed and welcoming space to meet other families, ask questions about your babies: development, weaning, breastfeeding and play together. Each session ends with a short song or story time.

Baby Café
Time: 10 to 11.30am
Notes: Drop in support. Please arrive early in the session. 
Session details: Run by an NCT Breastfeeding Counsellor offering support, encouragement and reliable information. Whether getting ready to breastfeed, continuing breastfeeding, expressing, mixed feeding, formula feeding, introducing solids, or stopping breastfeeding.


Toddler TLC
Age: 1 to 2 years
Time: 9.30 to 11am
Notes: Referral to this group is strictly via health visiting or the Parent and Infant Relationship Service (PAIRS) team. For information contact the Family Hub

Contact - Supporting families of children with SEND
Age: 0 - 25 years with SEND
Time: 9.30am to 2pm
Notes: Once per week at each of our Family Hubs. To book an appointment please visit or speak to member of staff.

Dads Play
Age: 0 to 4 years
Time: 11.15am to 12.30pm
Notes: Delivered by Parent and Infant Relationship Service (PAIRS) team. No booking required.
Session Details: A stay and play for dads/male carers with a baby or child aged under 4.

Baby TLC
Age: Non Walkers
Time: 1 to 2.30pm
Notes: Delivered by Parent and Infant Relationship Service (PAIRS) team. Invite Only. Contact the Family Hub for further information.
Session Details: For parents/carers to play together, talk, listen and connect.

Baby Talk and Play
Notes: Running at  Riverside, TW13 7LX, Delivered by the Parent and Infant Relationship Service (PAIRS) 
Session details: A five-week course designed to help support your baby's communication skills through rhyme, stories, play and song. It is ideal for babies aged 6–12 months. 
Booking is required by emailing the Family Hub.

Baby Massage
Times and dates:
Notes: Running at Riverside, TW13 7LX, Delivered by the Parent and Infant Relationship Service (PAIRS) 
Session details: A 5-week course to learn how to use nurturing touch to help you and your baby feel more relaxed together. This is a 5-week course with a maximum of 6 families per group, suitable for parents/carers with babies from 6 weeks to 6 months. Booking is required by emailing the Family Hub.

Wednesday 15 January to 5 February

Triple P for Baby
Age: Pregnancy to 12 months
Times and dates: 2 to 4.30pm, 15 January to 5 February
Notes: Booking required - Deadline to book is 8 January. Families need to commit to attending all 4 sessions. To book please email the Family Hub
Session details: Whether you’re pregnant or your baby is already here, Triple P for Baby helps parents and carers who are looking for tips and ideas to help them navigate the challenges that come with having a new baby. It’s a toolbox of proven, positive strategies with a variety of practical ways to promote your baby’s development, build a stronger bond and support their emotional and physical health.


Sharing Their World
Age: 0 to 5 years with additional needs
Time: 9.30 to 10.45am
Notes: By invite only.  If you would like to ask questions about this group, please email:
Session details: This group is for children who are on the ASD pathway, children with disabilities and complex needs who would thrive in a safe learning environment’.

Stay and Play with SALT
Age: 0 to 5 years
Time: 11.30am to 1pm
Sessions details: A fun, stimulating and safe environment for parents and children to take part in together. If you have concerns regarding your child’s development, please speak to a member of staff. 

Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) Consultations
Age: 0 to 5 years
Time: 1.30 to 2.20pm
Notes: By referral for families of children who are not already referred to the NHS Speech and Language Therapy Service. This is an opportunity for families to meet and understand the role of a Speech and Language Therapist, and get advice on how to support their child’s communication.  Referral is strictly via the Family Hub and Children’s Centre teams. For information contact the Family Hub.


Sharing their World
Age: 0 to 5 years with additional needs
Time: 10 to 11.15am
Notes: Invite only. This group is for children who are on the ASD pathway, children with disabilities and complex needs who would thrive in a safe learning environment’. If you would like to ask questions about this group, please email

Advice and Support
Age: 0 - 19 years or 25 years with SEND
Time: 10am to 12pm
Notes: Booking required. To book please contact 0208 583 3819, or email the Family Hub.
Session details: Family Navigators are based in our Family Hubs to support families and professionals. They act as a ‘bridge’ between the community and Family Hub services. If you require a Family Navigator's support with or for a family, please contact the Family Hub.

Young Parents Group
Age: For parents aged 25 and under;
Time: 1.30 to 2.30pm.  Begins on 13 February.
Session details: Young parents group provides a warm, friendly and non-judgmental platform to play and learn together with your child.

Social Prescribing for Children and Young People
Age: 11 – 18 years
Time: 1 to 5pm
Notes: Referral required, to refer or for further information including eligibility details please contact the Family Hub
Session details: Social prescribing is a holistic and non-medical intervention, connecting Children and Young people to activities, groups and services in their local community; to meet the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and well-being.

Friday 24 January, 12.30 to 2.30pm

Parent Carer Panel
Notes: Booking required
Session details: We are looking for mums, dads, grandparents and carers to come along and hear about Family Hub services, share their experiences and help shape Family Hub services. The groups are friendly and informal and we always provide refreshments and a crèche. Please email if you want to attend or have any questions.


Stay and Play with CAMHS and OT
Age: 0 to 5 years
Time: 9.30 to 10.30am
Notes: No session on 18 April
Session details: A fun, stimulating and safe environment for parents and children to take part in together. If you have concerns regarding your child’s development, please speak to a member of staff.

Stay and Play with CAMHS and OT
Age: 0 to 5 years
Time: 11am to 12pm
Notes: No session on 18 April
Session details: A fun, stimulating and safe environment for parents and children to take part in together. If you have concerns regarding your child’s development, please speak to a member of staff.

Domestic Abuse Support
Age: Parent and carers of children under 5 years
Time: 9.30 to 12pm - No session on 18 April
Notes: Domestic abuse Support from a Parent and Child domestic abuse worker. Please speak to a member of staff on arrival or in the Stay and Play session, if support or advice is required.

(CAMHS) Consultations
Age: 2 to 5 years
Time: 1 to 4pm
Notes: Booking required. To book please email the Family Hub.
Session details: Parents and carers can gain support regarding their child’s emotional wellbeing and early relationships, from the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Under 5s team. A member of the CAMHS team can listen to and support parents/ carers with any queries. The team can also explore whether any further support may be required from CAMHS or other services.

Perinatal Appointments
Time: 9.30 to 3pm
Notes: Please speak to your Health Visitor or Midwife to book a session.

Occupational Therapy (OT) Consultations
Age: 0 to 5 years
Time: 1 to 3.30pm
Notes: Referral is strictly via the Family Hub and Children’s Centre teams. For information please email the Family Hub.
Session Details: This is an opportunity for families to meet and understand the role of an Occupational Therapist, and get advice on how to support their child’s development through play, self-care skills (including dressing and eating) and fine motor skills.

Workshops, Courses and online sessions

Monthly Online sessions with the Family Information Service - Childcare
Times and dates: Thursday 16 January, 1.45 to 2.45pm. Wednesday 29 January, 10 to 11am. Tuesday 11 February, 10 to 11am. Friday 21 February, 10 to 11am. Tuesday 4 March, 1.45 to 2.45pm
Notes: links to the sessions will be added shortly.
Session details: Monthly online drop-in sessions for parents to ask any questions they may have about childcare. This is an open session where parents can drop in anytime within the hour and ask a question, pop it in the chat or request a call back if personal details need to be shared to check eligibility.

Solihull Approach free online courses for Hounslow resident
Times and dates: Any time
Session detailsNurturing emotional health and wellbeing from bump to 19+ years. Please visit and follow the simple registration process, inputting the access code LBHPARENTS.

Further Information...

  • Please note spaces are limited at all sessions. If the session is at full capacity, you will not be able to enter.
  • If you wish to attend one of these sessions, please ensure you are registered with Hounslow's Children's Centres & Family Hubs. If you are unsure about being registered or if your details need to be updated, please speak to a member of staff.
  • Services for families with Children 0 - 19 Years, or up to 25 years old if they have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
  • Age ranges are specified against each session.
  • Sessions may be cancelled at short notice due to training or staff absence. We will try to inform you 24 hours in advance if possible. Please check back here to avoid disappointment.