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Early Language and Development
Learning to talk: 0 to 6 months (Opens in New Window)
It's the little moments together that matter the most when you're encouraging your baby towards their first sound, hum, giggle or word
Learning to talk: 6 to 12 months (Opens in New Window)
During these months your baby will start to listen more carefully. They'll love it when you take the time to chat, play and read with them
Learning to talk: 1 to 2 years (Opens in New Window)
Your child will start to recognise more words than they can say at this age, so every conversation, game or story will be supporting their understanding
Learning to talk: 2 to 3 years (Opens in New Window)
Your child's imagination presents the perfect opportunity to build their confidence. Role play, counting games and helping out around the house are great ways to use their imagination and build on the words they already know
Learning to talk: 3 to 5 years (Opens in New Window)
Your child will soon be putting words together to form sentences and you can encourage them to chat by asking lots of questions
50 Things To Do Before You’re Five (Opens in New Window)
50 Things To Do aims to provide inspiration, guidance and ideas for parents, carers and children about activities that will support the improvement of children's development, skills and knowledge.
Chat, Play, Read - download your copy (Opens in New Window)
Fun and simple activities to support babies’ and toddlers’ communication and language development.
Tiny Happy People (Opens in New Window)
Tiny Happy People is here to help you develop your child's language skills. Explore our simple activities and play ideas and find out about babies and toddlers' amazing early development.
Walk and Talk - download your copy (Opens in New Window)
Use these cards to help you talk to your baby or child while you are out and about. This will help develop their speech and communication skills.
Words For life (Opens in New Window)
Activities and support for parents, children and young people to improve language, literacy and communication skills from home
National Literacy Trust | UK Literacy Charity (Opens in New Window)
An independent charity working with schools and communities to give children the literacy skills to succeed in life
Make a referral (Opens in New Window)
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