Statement of Service

The Family Information Service (FIS) and The Family Services Directory (FSD)

The Family Information Service (FIS)
The statutory duty in section 12 of the Childcare Act 2006 states families with children and young people should have access to information on
  • the provision of childcare and early years services in the local authority area
  • any other services that might benefit parents, prospective parents or children and young people. This involves providing information or signposting to more in-depth and appropriate services.
The duty is delivered by the Family Information Service (FIS). FIS is made up of 2 members of staff and both are qualified to NVQ level 4 in information, advice and guidance.
Who can use the service?
  • Parents and prospective parents.
  • Professionals working with children and families.
Note: FIS does not hold sensitive data about children or families. For such inquiries, enquirers will be directed to the relevant team.

The Family Services Directory (FSD)
The FSD is an online version of the FIS where users can find information at their convenience.
The purpose of the directory is to provide listings of local services, information and activities for children and young people in Hounslow. Every local authority will have an equivalent platform for their area. Links to some local and national services are also listed for users to look further afield if a service is not available locally.
Any service or organisation listed is for your convenience. This does not mean it is endorsed by Hounslow Council in anyway. Users are responsible for checking the suitability of services to meet your family’s needs.
To help maintain the accuracy of the information listed, Childcare providers are contacted once a term to check their information and all other providers are contacted once a year to update their information.
FIS may delete services with no response or refuse new entries if deemed not relevant or suitable. 

Accessing the Family Information Service
Helpline availability:
  • Weekday office hours.
  • Calls may go to voicemail if staff are unavailable or on other calls. Voicemails are responded to as quickly as possible, usually by the next working day. Please do leave a message, we will get back to you.
Feedback and complaints
Feedback - Comments, compliments, or complaints help us improve our service so tell us how we did!
  • Contact us by phone or email for feedback on the service you have received from the Family Information Service.
  • For incorrect information in the directory or comments on the content or layout, please use the feedback link.
  • For complaints about childcare providers, contact Ofsted at 0300 123 1231 or email
  • For complaints about services listed in the directory, contact the service directly or check their website for their complaint’s procedure.
  • For complaints about the London Borough of Hounslow, visit Make a complaint or comment.