About this directory

The Family Services Directory (FSD) is an resource of local information and services including childcare and early education providers, activity clubs and community organisations for families with children and young people.

Do I need to register to use the directory?

If you are looking for information on services and activities, there is no need to register.

Advertising on the directory

The FSD is a resource for parents to find information to help them in their parenting role of a child or young person aged 0-19. 
For that reason, we only display information where we feel the information is relevant for our audience 
If you are unsure whether your service or activity is suitable, contact us to discuss this on 020 8583 3470 or email fis@hounslow.gov.uk
Submit your form here for consideration

What checks are made before a service is listed?

The content of the services and activities on this directory are provided by the organisations listed and not by the London Borough of Hounslow. Inclusion of a service or activity on the directory does not mean it is recommended by the London Borough of Hounslow, or that we have checked its quality. The same applies to any links to external websites. These are provided for your convenience only. You must always check with providers that their service meets your requirements.

How often is the information updated?

All providers listed are contacted at least once a year to update their information.
FIS work hard to maintain the directory to the highest standard possible, but responsibility for the accuracy of the information rests with the providers. If we do not have any communication from a provider listed within a 12-month period, their information is removed.
If you spot a service listed where information is incorrect, please let us know.

Ofsted registered childcare providers

All registered childcare providers (excluding childminders) in the London Borough of Hounslow are listed within the childcare section of this directory. As childminders work from their own homes, they have the option to advertise. 
If you are an Ofsted registered childcare provider and are not listed but would like to be, please contact us to set up your account. 020 8583 3470 or fis@hounslow.gov.uk

This directory is maintained by Hounslow Family Information Service in line with the government’s statutory duty within Section 12 of The Childcare Act 2006.

If you have not been able to find what you are looking for on this directory or have some feedback, contact us by: