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PFA: Work

Getting Help: Access to Work

Working can sometimes be difficult for people with Disabilities and often times small changes will need to be made to help make working-life manageable for these employees. These changes are called Reasonable Adjustments and employers must make these by law.

Sometimes, employees with Disabilities may require bigger changes in order to allow them to work. These can sometimes come at a large cost. A scheme called 'Access to Work', run by the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) exists to help with making these bigger changes. 

Click here to read about how to get help from Access to Work (Easy Read Version).

Diagnosis Specific Schemes:

Trisomy 21 (Down's Syndrome):

WorkFit is the employment programme run by the Down's Syndrome Association and can give support and advice to help people with Down's Syndrome achieve their work ambitions.

Click here to learn more about what WorkFit offer.


Care Trade is a charity which provides support for Autistic people to move from education into employment.

Click here to learn more about what Care Trade offer.