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Specialist support for children aged 0-5 years who have a special educational need or disability

Specialist support for children aged 0-5 years

How to get support
If you think a child aged 0 to 5 has special educational needs, they can be assessed for support.

If they are in a nursery or other pre school setting then speak to the Special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO)/Manager.

If they are not in a nursery or preschool setting then speak to your GP or health visitor.

Most children will be able to attend a local nursery or childminder. See Choosing Childcare for further information.
There are specialist education services that can support your child either in nursery/setting or at home.

Support can include:
How to refer a child
Each service will have its own criteria and referral process listed on its page.

If you’re a professional like a teacher, doctor or social worker, you can only refer a child once you have parental consent.

Specialist services may talk to you about further referrals or more detailed assessments they think maybe needed. These can be part of an assessment for an Education Health and Care Plan

If your child's needs are related to health needs then your GP can refer to Paediatric services for support.

If you are looking for support as a family there is a wide of range of support available for families with children under 5 at Early Help and Safeguarding. visit your local children's centre or talk to your health visitor. Information and Support section lists other local support services relating to SEND.