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SENDIASS: FAQs & Testimonials

SENDIASS: Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Hounslow SENDIASS and what does it do?
SENDIASS stands for Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service.
Each Local Authority must have its own SENDIASS who offers free, impartial and confidential information, advice and support to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents and carers.

2. Is the service confidential?
At Hounslow SENDIASS We offer an impartial and confidential service. This means we do not share information about you and do not speak to schools or the local authority without your consent, unless we feel that you or someone else is in danger. We may alert the appropriate service in order to keep people safe.

3. What service can I expect from SENDIASS?
SENDIASS Hounslow has lots of knowledge about the local area and can signpost you to organisations that might be able to support you the most. We are an impartial service, which means we will give you honest, clear and professional information so you can make choices and decisions which best suit you and your family.
We are unable to tell you what to do but will help you understand your choices and options. If you contact the Service, we can chat with you over the phone or email to help you with your query.

4. Is there a cost to me to use Hounslow SENDIASS?
No, the Service we provide is free. There will never be a cost to using our Service. However, we may signpost you to services where they could offer training/courses for a fee.

5. Does Hounslow SENDIASS work weekends?
No Hounslow SENDIASS do not operate over the weekend. We are a small service with limited resources. The service operates from Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm. We have a 24hr answer machine and respond to all enquires within 5 working days.

6. I think that my child may have special educational needs, will Hounslow SENDIASS still be able to help me?
Yes, Hounslow SENDIASS will be happy to discuss your situation further and provide you with Information, Advice & Guidance to help you to work a way forward with your situation.

7. Will Hounslow SENDIASS support my child if they are over 16?
Yes, Hounslow SENDIASS will provide Information Advice & Guidance to Young People with SEND aged 16-25 on matters relating to Education, Health & Social Care. Young people (aged 16 to 25) can contact us directly for Information Advice and Support. They can choose to allocate someone else to speak to us if they are not able to do so on their own.

8. Does Hounslow SENDIASS have the authority to issue an EHCP?
We are only an advice and support service providing information around SEND matters. We are not decision-making officers so cannot request or issue EHCPs.

9. Is Hounslow SENDIASS part of the SEND Team?
Hounslow SENDIASS is an advice and support service, and we are not part of the SEN team. We are an impartial and confidential service with no access to Hounslow files.

10. Does SENDIASS support parents through the Transport appeal process?
We are only able to provide Parents/families with information and guidance of the process. We are unable to run the appeal or to prepare documentation.

11. Does Hounslow SENDIASS represent you in SEND Tribunals and Mediation?
We don’t have the remit to provide a service to manage appeals. We don’t represent through appeals, but we can provide you with general advice about the process.
We can attend Mediation meetings to support Parents /families, but this is subject to availability.

12. What is a Special Educational Need?
The Children and Families Act (2014) Section 20 states that:
“A child or young person has special educational needs if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:
  • Has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age or of others of the same age or
  • Has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of the facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.

SENDIASS: Testimonials

Below is feedback from parent carers and grandparents on the assistance SENDIASS provided.
Hounslow SENDIASS assisted me with a wide range of difficult issues in relation to my daughter who has special needs. I had many interactions, both over the phone and in person. I couldn’t thank Hounslow SENDIASS enough, not only for the extremely helpful guidance but for the moral support I badly needed. They are exceptionally thoughtful and understanding, going far above and beyond to resolve problems, and shed light in the often-complex SEN world. (Parent)

I approached SENDIASS at Easter time for advice of the upcoming Annual Review Meeting in the summer term. I was feeling very anxious about it as I always find Annual Reviews very unpredictable. SENDIASS provided me with a template on what should ideally happen in a Annual Review meeting. This enabled me to prepare my note alongside my questions and concerns I had.
SENDIASS also accompanied me at the ARM which made me feel more confident and reassured. The ARM went very well due to the fact I had the resources and support provided by SENDIASS. I very much appreciate their valuable advice and support. Thank you SENDIASS (Parent)

The help and support I have received from SENDIASS has been valuable. I really hadn't realised how much I should have prepared myself. Anyway, as I said I am now getting the right information and acting on it. (Parent)

I have a daughter in a wheelchair with complications I had a very stressful summer regarding my daughter’s transport to college. The travel assistance from the London Borough of Hounslow was refused and I was feeling very anxious. SENDIASS helped me to understand the Review Request process about the decision made and how to submit my information along with supporting evidence and ask the Travel team to reconsider their decision. My daughter was deemed eligible for transport.
SENDIASS understood my difficulties and helped me through the process. I am very grateful for this support received. (Parent)

Finding SENDIASS came as a relief to what is a stressful process of understanding; they provide knowledge, experience and importantly empathy.' (Grandparent)

'I have struggled to feel listened to for many years and upon receiving my daughter’s autism diagnosis it still felt like inadequate support was provided at school. I called SENDIASS in Year 10 and their support has completely changed my relationship with my daughter’s school. I now feel like they listen to me and take my concerns seriously. Having SENDIASS with me in meetings gave me the confidence to speak up for my child who was failing in most subjects. A plan of support has been put in place by the school and now followed through into Year 11. Having a child with SEN has opened up a world that is complex and difficult to navigate. I shouldn't have to but I often have to fight for what feels like the basic things that should be provided for in her education. SENDIASS explained the legal rights that my child has and SENDIASS’s kind, knowledgeable, firm but fair approach has been invaluable. Thank you!!! (Parent)