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Education and Learning
Information regarding schools
Admissions -
Starting School Nursery
- Primary, Secondary, in year transfers and more
Attendance and absence
Education, employment or training after 16
Educational Psychology service
Free School Meals
Home schooling
Penalty notice for poor school attendance
School Clothing Grants
School Travel Assistance
Term Dates
More information on schools and colleges...
SEND support in educational settings (Opens in New Window)
Advice and guidance to young people regarding education, employment or training
. Information, advice and guidance to all young people who need help getting into education, employment or training.
Need help getting into education, training, employment, or an apprenticeship? D
rop-in to the weekly session every Tuesday, from 3pm-5pm at Hounslow House, TW3 3EB. This is for
young people aged 16-19 and those aged 16-25 with an education, health and care plan (EHCP).
Education, employment or training after 16
- Up until the age of 18 years, all young people must be in some form of education or training.
Education Hub - Blog - GOV.UK (Opens in New Window)
A site for parents, pupils, education professionals and the media. It captures all you need to know about the education system. You’ll find accessible, straightforward information on popular topics, Q and As, interviews, case studies, and more.
I have a concern or complaint about my child's school
Bullying - information and support
How do I find a private tutor?
English as a second language courses (ESOL)
Learn Hounslow
LEAH (learn English at home)
ACDA Skills training (at Hounslow Library)
Jobs, Careers and Adult Learning (Opens in New Window)
Child Employment permits (Opens in New Window)