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The Final EHCP

What is a Final EHCP?

At the end of the EHC Needs Assessment process, and once the Draft Plan has been agreed within the timeframe, a Final EHCP will be issued. This document is legally binding and sets out exactly what Special Educational Provision must be provided, how often and who is responsible for doing so.

Once issued, the Final Plan will be signed, dated and clearly marked as a Final Plan. A copy will be sent to the Parent Carer of a Child or the Young Person directly, as well as a copy being sent to the Education Setting. Once finalised and issued, the Local Authority become legally bound to provide the specified Provision and any named placement.

What if I don't agree with my Final EHCP?

Once the Final EHCP has been issued, it cannot be amended or changed without an Annual Review taking place. If you disagree with the content of the EHCP, or the named placement, you may be able to Appeal against the Plan, provided you are within the legal time limit.

The legal time limit to appeal a decision is two calendar months from the date on the Local Authority decision letter, or one calendar month from the date your Mediation Certificate was issued - whichever is later.

If you are outside of this time limit, you can Contact the EHC Team and consider requesting an early Annual Review.