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What is the MIP?

The Mainstream Inclusion Partnership:

The Mainstream Inclusion Partnership (MIP) is a new London Borough of Hounslow approach to meeting exceptional needs in mainstream schools.

All mainstream schools in Hounslow are now partners in a new initiative to provide additional support for children with exceptional needs. The MIP was launched in April 2023 and sees mainstream schools working together in geographical groups known as clusters. Each cluster of schools meet monthly to explore and agree how best to meet the needs of Children & Young People (CYP).

Clusters are led by a SEND Cluster Lead (SCL). SCLs are local SEND experts currently employed in mainstream schools and seconded on a part time basis by the local authority to support schools to access the support available through the MIP.

This collaborative approach between the Local Authority and mainstream schools is ensuring needs are identified early and support is put in place sooner for CYP. Similar initiatives have been effectively introduced in other areas across the country. The model in Hounslow is in keeping with the government’s latest thinking, as set out in ‘SEND Review: Right Support, Right Place, Right Time.’

Since the launch last summer, the MIP has supported the work of 70% of mainstream schools in Hounslow to meet the needs of over 250 CYP. Having experienced a positive first year with high levels of school engagement, the MIP will continue to provide mainstream schools with the support they require to effectively meet the needs of CYP in a timely manner to ensure they achieve positive outcomes.