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Starting School with SEND

Starting school with SEND

Children can start attending school for a full day (also known as reception class) from the September after their fourth birthday. The admissions process in an online only application and opens in January each year. 

When applying for reception class discuss any learning or special needs with the headteacher or SENCO. They will tell you about the support they provide and how they will support your child’s learning needs. Each school has a budget for meeting the needs of pupils with SEND.

If your child has an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), contact the SEN team on 020 8583 2672 or email SEN@hounslow.gov.uk to discuss the arrangements which will need to be made for your child. 

If your child does not have a EHCP, you can download the latest brochure and access the online application form by visiting Primary admissions.

More information

Directory of Schools in Hounslow for contact details of all schools
Hounslow School Admissions - for information on all school admission processes including in year admissions, appeal and secondary transfers.