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Medical and Nursing Support

If your child is registered with an Hounslow GP and is between the ages of 0-18 years and is unwell the first people you should speak to are:

If your child has a more complex health need your GP, Health Visitor or School Nurse are likely to refer you to community nursing services. If your child is in hospital they may refer your child directly to the community nursing services.

The community nursing services for children in Hounslow are:

  • Health Visitors
  • Specialist Nurses (Diabetes, Asthma and Haemoglobinopathy)
  • Community Children’s Nurses
  • Continuing Healthcare
  • Special School Nurses
Please note that for some children your specialist advice may be provided by Health Professionals in the hospital where your child is regularly seen and monitored. So therefore they may not be referred to the services listed above.

Health visiting service

What is a health visitor?

A Health Visitor is a qualified and registered nurse or midwife who works primarily with pre-school children and families. The role of the Health Visitor is about the promotion of health and the prevention of illness in all age groups. The health visitor leads a skill mix team of community staff nurses and community nursery nurses

The health visiting team are be able to support and advise on areas such as breast feeding and weaning, emotional wellbeing, attachment, safety, immunisation, physical and emotional development and other aspects of health and childcare. They are also able to provide support with behaviour management, toilet training, sleep and school readiness.

Health visitors can advise on all aspects of family health and social issues that may impact on families. Health visitors work in partnership with GPs and other members of the primary healthcare team, and other health professionals such as therapists, community paediatricians, and child and adolescent mental health services.

Contact them: 020 8973 3490 / email: hrch.hvadminhub@nhs.net

School nursing service

The Hounslow School nursing service has a public health role and responsibilities for individual children, their families, the school and wider communities.

The team consists of qualified school nurses (specialist community public health nurses), community staff nurses and school nurse assistants.

The school nurse is a key health worker in schools and works with the school age population aged 5-19 years and is in the unique position to identify early problems, which may affect the health or development of children and young people.

Each school in Hounslow has a named school nurse with whom children, young people, parents and education staff can discuss any concerns.

Contact them: 020 3691 1012

Childrens community nurses/continuing Healthcare

The Children's Community nursing service care for children and young people, who are registered with a Hounslow GP. They provide high quality nursing care in the home and/or community settings such as clinic’s and schools.

This includes those with nursing needs such as such as epilepsy, oncology, intravenous medication, anaphylaxis, enteral feeding (Nasogastric and gastrostomy tubes), stoma care, post-operative care, wound care, home oxygen or vital signs monitoring e.g. blood pressure.

The team works with a range of other professionals, providing advice and support, to ensure the needs of children and families are met.

The continuing Care Service provide healthcare for children who have a range of conditions that would otherwise need hospital treatment or residential care.

The team consists of experienced children’s nurses who provide an assessment service for those children who are thought to meet the children’s continuing care criteria (using the National Framework for Children and Young People’s Continuing Care, January 2016).

Following agreement of their eligibility at the Continuing Care Panel, a care package is provided and monitored by the team.

The nurses also provide all children’s community nursing for those children who are eligible.

Telephone: 020 3903 3660

The team work Monday to Friday: 9am – 5pm, although care is provided 365 days per year, 24 hours per day and a referral is required.

Asthma and wheeze service

The purpose of the Children Asthma Service is to empower children and parents/ carers to manage their wheeze/ asthma appropriately, through the provision of a range of interventions delivered by the Asthma & Wheeze Team. The service will offer targeted packages of care to children and young people who require additional support and training in the management of their condition.

The team provide face-to-face support, or telephone contact where appropriate, to children and young people under 19years of age - with asthma or viral induced wheeze (VIW).

To contact them: 02036911021

Special Schools Nursing service

If your child is identified with complex health or nursing needs, they could get extra support from trained specialists so they can reach their potential.

Special schools where support is available

Type of services available

supporting teaching staff to make sure your child needs are best met
providing experienced support workers/ paediatric nurses
Nursing staff are available during your child's school hours Monday to Friday

Contact us

To find out how you can get support, get in touch today.

Telephone 020 3458 5275

Find out more information on the Special schools Nursing Service

Who to contact

Special schools nursing team

Telephone 020 3458 5275