Hounslow Home Page Link

About the Local Offer

The Local Offer is where you'll find information to support children and young people (from 0 to 25 years) who have special education needs and disabilities.

  • clear, comprehensive, information on how to access support
  • specialist services that respond to the young person’s needs by involving them, their parents, and professionals

Find services that can help;

Further information

Feedback on the local offer

This website was made for you to find support in your area for young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

To make your experience even better, we’d really like to hear what you think about it.

  • Did you find the support you were looking for?
  • Was the information clear to you?
  • Is there anything missing which would make your experience better?
Your thoughts will be used to make the Local Offer website better at supporting young people with special needs in Hounslow. Email thelocaloffer@hounslow.gov.uk or complete the feedback form

Recent changes that have been made on the Local Offer from feedback are;

  • Added Forms and Guides section for most frequently accessed forms
  • added some explanation to the section categories on the home page
Changes being worked on at the moment

  • how to identify specialist providers
  • Making documents .pdf where possible
  • Making forms able to be filled in online where possible
  • adding more content in different formats such as videos
Alternative ways of accessing the Local Offer online
If you would like to find about the Local Offer, but do not have access to a computer, you can use the public computers in Hounslow House, TW3 4EB, where help can be provided. Alternatively you can also visit local libraries and children’s centres will also be able to help you access the information online.