Food, drinks, feeding and medication


  • Will you be able to come in to breastfeed? If you provide pumped breast milk or formula milk how will they store and prepare it?
  • What methods do they have for documenting how much and how often babies drink?
  • At what age do they start to give babies solids?
  • Does your child have specialist feeding equipment such as ‘feeding tubes’? Are there trained staff who will be responsible for taking care of your child during feeds? Will your child be able to sit with the other children while feeding?
  • Are children supervised during feeding time? Do staff eat with the children?
  • Are they allowed to choose how much or how little they want to eat? What is your child is a fussy eater, too tired, or upset to eat
  • Are they able to practice feeding themselves and given adult help when needed?

food and drinks

  • Can you view a typical weekly menu? Are the meals and snacks nutritional and varied?
  • Where is the food prepared and served?
  • Can they cater for a child with a special diet?
  • Can you provide your own food? What are their guidelines around what you can bring? How will they store food during the day?
  • What drinks do children get and when? Is drinking water available, throughout the day? Do you need to provide a drinking cup or bottle? 


  • Are they able to accommodate children with allergies?
  • How will they ensure your child is not exposed to foods they’re allergic to?
  • Do staff have training in how to respond to an allergic reaction, including storage and use of an epi-pen?


  • If you child needs to have medicine check with the childcare provider their policy for this. The policy should cover things like administering and storing medication. If your child needs to take medicine ask who will insure that they receive it on time.
  • Will they give medicine that is not prescribed by a doctor? (homeopathic medication or creams)
  • Have all staff got a first aid certificate?