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Health and Emotional Wellbeing
Free training courses available from the West London Wellbeing and Recovery College
Run by the West London NHS Trust, the college supports anyone over 18 who lives, works or studies in Hounslow, Ealing and Hammersmith and Fulham, offering free courses on mental, physical and emotional wellbeing and recovery. Courses are either in person or virtual and range from one off sessions to ten weeks and include short lunch and learn sessions too.
Take a look at the prospectus
Bereavement services for parents, children and young people and those with additional needs
NHS Services
Find a GP
Health Visiting
Speech and Language (SaLT)
School Nursing
Oral Health
Healthier Together
Children Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
Healthy Hounslow (Opens in New Window)
Want to lose weight, become more active or stop smoking?
You don’t have to do it alone! Healthy Hounslow offer a variety of FREE services.
Young Peoples Sexual Health Services in Hounslow
HYPE - Hounslow Young People Engaged (Opens in New Window)
Young People’s Drug and Alcohol service for the London Borough of Hounslow. We work with those:
affected by drugs and alcohol
who have a negative experience of parental substance misuse.
Mental Health and Money Toolkit (Opens in New Window)
Help for you to understand, manage and improve your mental and financial health.
Healthier Lifestyles
For families with children aged 0-5 years. There are a wide range of services including perinatal wellbeing groups.
A home visiting programme for first-time young mums aged 19 and under. (Opens in New Window)
To make a referral or find out more call 020 3771 6060
BeeZee Bodies (Opens in New Window)
Free, fun, family-focused programmes. Helping you and your children make healthy habits for life. For children (age 5 - 15) who are above the recommended weight for their age and height.
Mind (Opens in New Window)
provides a range of services to support children and young people.
The Teashop+ programme, run by Mind Axis. (Opens in New Window)
The free wellbeing and mindfulness programme is aimed at young ethnic minority women aged 18-30 with mild to moderate mental health concerns.
Free confidential, 1 to 1 counselling service for young people aged 11-25. This is a self-referral service.
Feeling anxious? Stressed out? Not sleeping properly? (Opens in New Window)
A digital mental wellbeing service for 13-18 year olds
Nurturing Future Minds (Opens in New Window)
Parents and carers can access free information, advice and online resources, including:
activity ideas
links to trusted websites,
to help them maintain or boost their own mental health and wellbeing and their children
My View Children's Therapy (Refugee Council) (Opens in New Window)
A talking therapy service aiming to stabilise and improve the psychological and emotional well-being of separated asylum-seeking children.
Good 4 Girls Group, 10 to 14 years
Referral project based at the Hanworth Centre. Sessions run every 2 weeks from 6 to 8pm and is a sport and arts-based programme
Peer Support
A safe place to talk and chill
Boxing, art, fitness, pamper sessions
Social action project to improve mental health and wellbeing of others
chance to become a Wellbeing Ambassador
Contact Siobhan on 07563 303648 or email
Together Hounslow
Offering migrants and refugees well-being activities and 1:1 therapy sessions. Can also work with Asylum seekers if places are available. We currently have 2 services on offer:
Rise and Shine
- well-being sessions every Tuesday 2 to 3.30pm at Gunnersbury Park. These include mental and physical well-being. (e.g. exercise, arts and crafts, nature, gardening)
1 to 1 therapy sessions
- with EACH counselling services
For more details contact:
07943 756073 or
07963 054961