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Fire Service

Fire Service
Nationally the Fire and Rescue Service is committed to increasing the understanding and acceptance of Children and Adults with Neurodiverse Conditions.

Children and Adults with Neurodiverse Conditions may have unexpected reactions to a smoke alarm or a fire. The following information, collated from a variety of sources including the National Autistic Society, aims to help you support Autistic Children and Adults.

Different Reactions to Fire
Autistic Young People and Adults are just as likely to hide, similarly to Children, in a fire situation to get away from the noise and the unexpected situation. So check wardrobes, under beds, behind furniture, cupboards, anywhere that potentially is a hiding place.

Neurodiverse people may resist moving during a fire emergency, so try to reassure and repeat instructions. Describe the emergency procedure or escape plan in advance if possible, using a step by step approach. Assign a carer or family member to be responsible for getting the person with neurodiversity out of the home or building and to a place of safety.

Neurodiverse people may wander or run off after rescue. Stay with the person who is Neurodiverse or hand over to an appropriate carer or advocate. A reaction to the noise of a smoke alarm or a fire can be to run away. When Neurodiverse Children and Adults are in this ‘flight mode’ they may become oblivious to other dangers, such as road traffic or a barrier tape, and run towards a different danger. Make sure the person is supervised during this unsettling time.

Sensory Sensitivities
Neurodiverse people may feel overwhelmed due to sensory overload. This may manifest itself in different ways such as repetitive behaviour such as rocking or repeating words.

Neurodiverse Adults and Children may not have a typical range of sensations and may not feel the cold, heat, or pain in a typical manner. They may fail to acknowledge pain. They may show an unusual pain response that could include laughter, humming, singing and removing of clothing.

Children and Adults with autism and anxiety may become frightened in response to sensory stimuli. Some individuals with autism have difficulty telling people what’s scaring them, so may show fear with extreme avoidance of a situation. For example, someone might refuse to go to a place after experiencing the noise and confusion of a smoke alarm and fire drill. As a result people with sensory sensitivity:
  • May not like the feel of certain materials (example: a blanket)
  • May be sensitive to smells
  • May even seek out fire
  • May have strong reactions to sirens/flashing lights
  • May not feel pain
  • May not allow you to touch them

Meltdowns and Shutdowns
Exposure to sensory stimuli may make someone feel completely overwhelmed, and the understandable result can be a meltdown. Meltdown symptoms can include shouting, screaming, crying, and lashing out.

Shutdowns are also caused by sensory overload and anxiety and during these times the person becomes still, and unable to communicate or move (‘freeze’ situation).

The list below can help if someone is having a meltdown or a shutdown:
  • Provide reassurance about the situation
  • Not all calming strategies work all the time. Some people have a range of strategies that work in different situations, but sometimes they don’t suit how the person is feeling at that particular time.
  • Make space. Try to create a quiet, safe space as best you can. Ask people to move along and not to stare, and move away from bright lights or sirens – whatever you can think of to reduce the information overload, try it.
Some autistic people may show signs of distress before having a meltdown, which is sometimes referred to as the ‘rumble stage’. At this stage, there may still be a chance to prevent a meltdown by helping the person use calming strategies such as putting on headphones / ear defenders and removing potential triggers.

Explore ‘graded exposure’
You may be able to discuss preparing people for when they may hear a smoke alarm and help them to learn a safe response.
For example, a parent or carer records the noise of the smoke alarm on a phone or iPad and plays it back at a low volume.
However, it is very important not to stress the person out by trying to desensitise them. Then over several weeks gradually increase the volume, but again only if the person is not getting distressed.

You could also suggest practising the escape route several times by walking with the person, and then combine the low-level noise of the alarm with walking escape routes. Some people find wearing ear defenders useful, so the person has control when they slip them over their ears to reduce the sound level.

Some people cope better with fire alarms, its better if there is an announcement or a soft noise before the actual alarm. This means that the person can prepare themselves for what is coming up and cope better. This graded exposure may seem counterintuitive, but research indicates that this can be effective for getting over a particular fear and learning safe behaviour.

Courses for Young People with Autism
The London Fire Brigade runs course for Young People with Autism, which you can learn more about by clicking here.