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Physical Disability Support

Who are the Physical Disability team?

The Physical Disabilities (PD) team are part of Hounslow’s Special Education Needs Service working alongside our colleagues in the sensory teams (Vision Impairment and Deaf and Hard of Hearing).

The PD team consists of three advisory teachers and a specialist practitioner, all of whom support school pupils who have a physical disability, motor skills delay or complex medical condition that affects their access to learning.

Where do they offer support?

The PD team offer support in mainstream nurseries and schools, as well as some specialist schools and centres without a PD specialism.

The team work closely with our colleagues in Health, including Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Specialist Nursing Teams, Paediatricians and Consultants. The team also work with school staff, offering support to SENCOs and welfare/medical officers and advice to PE and classroom staff.

What support is offered?

The type and frequency of support offered will vary depending on each individuals needs. Support may include:

  • Assessments and monitoring visits to schools. Our specialist practitioner works directly with targeted pupils, supporting them with blocks of exercise programmes and keyboarding skills
  • The loan of equipment such as supportive seating and toileting aides, typing programmes and specialist writing equipment
  • Training for school staff/parents/carers and professionals online and Face to Face
  • Preparation for Adulthood programme for students and families in Year 9 and above
  • Assisting families and Children and Young People with applications for Disability Living Allowance, Disabled Student Allowance and the Blue Badge Scheme etc.
  • Transition advice and support when children move between schools and key stages
  • Supporting Children and Young People back to school following surgeries or other health needs
  • Environmental audits to check accessibility
  • Advice on Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) and risk assessments
  • Advice on accessing school trips
  • Sign posting to other services such as charities, travel training and funding streams

Referral to the Team

How you arrange a referral to the team will vary depending on your role and the age of the Child or Young Person in question.

If the Child is prior to starting school:
If you are looking for support for a child prior to starting school please contact Portage or the Early Years SEN team.

Click here to contact the Portage team.
Click here to contact the Early Years SEN team.

If you are a Parent/Carer:
If you are a Parent/Carer, you will need to contact the SENCO at your Child's Education Setting.

If you are a SENCO:
You will need to discuss the Child's case with us using the enquiries email address beforehand to determine whether the team will be able to help.

Click here to contact the PD Enquiries email.

Once you have discussed the case with the team, you need to fill in a referral form.

Click here to refer a Child to the PD team as a SENCO.

If you are a Health Professional:

Click here to refer a Child to the PD team as a Health Professional.