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Early Years SEND Panel - Information for Parents/Carers

The purpose of this page is to provide Parents/Carers with information about the Early Years SEND Panel.

What is the Early Years SEND Panel?

The Early Years SEND Panel is a forum the purpose of which is to plan appropriate support and provision for children under the age of five who live in the borough who may have special educational needs.

What does the Early Years SEND Panel do?

The purpose of the panel will be to consider the needs of your child and identify appropriate support, resources and/or provision available to you and your child, depending on your child’s age and level of need.

Who attends the Early Years SEND Panel?

The Early Years SEND Panel is attended by professionals from Education, Health and Social Care who are experienced in working with children under the age of five with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). 

When does the Early Years SEND Panel meet?

The Early Years SEND Panel takes place every two months. Dates of each panel, within the current academic year, are available on the Hounslow Local Offer.

Hounslow Early Years Panel Dates 2023/2024

Who can make a referral to the Early Years SEND Panel?

You, or a professional that knows or works with your child, can make a referral to Early Years SEND Panel. If a professional makes a referral to the Early Years SEND Panel, they must ensure that your consent has been obtained to share information.

Hounslow Early Years SEND Panel Referral Form

Why might my child be referred to the Early Years SEND Panel?

To check if your child is accessing all the services that they are entitled to access depending on their age and level of need. It might be to make a request for/referral for a particular service. It may be to ask to be considered for a place at a specialist nursery in the borough.

What happens once my child has been discussed at Early Years SEND Panel?

You will be contacted by a representative from the Local Authority advising you if your child is accessing all the services that they are entitled to access, depending on their age and level of need. If a request/referral has been made for a particular service/provision, you will be advised if your child has met the criteria for that service/provision.

How will you keep my / my child’s information safe?

Any information shared will be in strict accordance with current data protection rules. The Local Authority will make sure you understand your rights about how your data is used and will ask for your permission to share your information with anyone else. Sharing information will enable your child to access the appropriate services / provision in the local area.

LBH Privacy Notice Early Years SEND Panel