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Trouble Shooting - Logging in Instructions
Instructions on creating a new password and 2FA for Synergy Portals (Opens in New Window)
You will need 2FA if you are a Childcare Provider making a:
2, 3 & 4 year old funding claim
SENCO applying for SEN Inclusion Funding and Disability Access Fund
School requesting access to SAM.
Instructions on creating a new password for the Synergy Portal (Non-2FA) (Opens in New Window)
The Synergy Portal sits on a Hounslow website. These instructions are for those that have requested access to:
Early years training courses –booking
Family Service Directory (FSD) provider profile
New Smartphone - Instructions on resetting the Microsoft Authenticator (Opens in New Window)
Use these instructions if you already have a user account on the Hounslow Synergy System but have
made a request for additional modules that require an extra security step to your login
or already have 2FA but have since changed your smartphone
Having trouble logging in? use this guide if: (Opens in New Window)
2FA account is locked,
Username/Password is not accepted,
Authenticator App on your mobile phone has stopped working and does not generate a PIN,
PIN from Authenticator App is not being accepted
If you are still having issues logging in or you issue does not relate to any of the above:
Email the early years funding team