Running at Meadowbank Community Close,Cranford,TW5 9QX. To book visit
Family Learning Website17 February
Science - Volcanoes (age 5 to 11) - 10am to 12noon
Billy Goats Gruff story and creative arts (age 3 to 5) 10.30am to 12 noon
Science - Light and Bubbles (age 5 to 11), 1 to 3pm
Billy Goats Gruff story and creative arts (age 3 to 5), 1 to 2.30pm
18 February
Engineering - Kaleidoscopes (age 5 to 11), 10am to 12noon18
Recycling - Plants and Nature (age 5 to 11), 1 to 3pm
19 February
Clay Workshop (age 5 to 15) - 10am to 12noon
Art - Van Gogh (age 5 to 11) - 10am to 12noon
Elmer the Elephant Story and Creative Art (age 3 to 5), 10.30am to 12 noon
Clay Workshop (age 5 to 15) - 1 to 3pm
Elmer the Elephant Story and Creative Art (age 3 to 5), 1 to 2.30pm
Art - Collage (age 5 to 11) - 1 to 3pm
20 February
Art - Sock Puppets (age 5 to 11)- 10am to 12noon