Safeguarding Refresher

Safeguarding Refresher - Including Child Protection and Understanding Hounslow Referral Pathways

Target Audience
Early Years practitioners that need to update their training or refresh their knowledge of the referral processes.

Course Outline
The overall aim of the course is for Early Years Practitioners to be confident in:
  • Recognising abuse – identify and discuss signs and indicators that may suggest a child is being abused.
  • Responding to concerns and making referrals – knowing how to respond to concerns about suspected child abuse or allegations against professionals, who to talk to, what actions to take and how to make a referral.
  • Good practice in responding to concerns – possible barriers for reporting concerns, why safeguarding is important and what to do if a child makes a disclosure.
On this course you will:
  • Refresh your safeguarding knowledge and discuss recent serious case reviews.
  • Explain the duty of care that applies to all practitioners.
  • Receive updates on key changes in safeguarding.
  • Explore indicators and behaviours that may cause concern in the context of safeguarding.
  • Explain reporting procedures.
  • Improve confidence in knowing what is considered best practice in safeguarding children.
  • Explore your understanding of professional curiosity and the voice of the child.
  • Discuss safer working practices and how to be part of a developing safeguarding culture within your setting.
  • Be able to apply these in the context of your day-to-day work.
Time 10am – 12pm
Platform Microsoft Teams - This course is being delivered via Microsoft teams. Please ensure your device is compatible. We recommend you access this through a computer or laptop for the best experience.

Time 6pm – 8pm
Platform Microsoft Teams - This course is being delivered via Microsoft teams. Please ensure your device is compatible. We recommend you access this through a computer or laptop for the best experience.

Time 10am - 12pm
Platform Microsoft Teams - This course is being delivered via Microsoft teams. Please ensure your device is compatible. We recommend you access this through a computer or laptop for the best experience.

£15 per delegate (day nurseries, playgroups)
£75 per delegate (maintained and non-maintained schools)

Facilitator: Early Years and Childcare Service