Research and statistics
What happens if someone complains about me? Martin Williams, Principal Officer, Operations, and Penny Fisher, Early Years Senior HMI, explain what their teams do when we receive information about an early years provider.
Guidance on writing complaint and compliance action outcome summaries The steps Ofsted or the Provider take to make sure their setting is complying with the requirements for registration. Ofsted do this when they have looked into a concern or a notification. It applies to those providers on the Early Years Register. These outcome summaries are published on the same page as the provider’s reports on our website.
Childminders only
Childminders - reporting a new adult in the home You must tell Ofsted about new people aged 16 or over who live or work in the home you look after children in within 14 days. This includes children who turn 16. This page explains the process
A webinar for childminders - The third instalment of our termly webinars for childminders, featuring Wendy Ratcliff and Julie-Ann Morris from the Ofsted early years team and Sarah Neville from Knutsford Childminding. The panel discussed ratios, safeguarding and the EIF.
Informing Ofsted
Report a serious childcare incident - Ofsted-registered childminders, nannies, nurseries and other daycare must use this service to report significant events affecting their childcare within 14 days.
Carrying out childcare register inspections - This guidance is for Ofsted inspectors carrying out inspections of providers that are only registered on either or both parts of the Childcare Register. We publish it on our website to be transparent.
Short Films
Webinars: early years curriculum - a focus on communication and language – Ofsted have published five short webinars. These explain why communication and language are so important, what a good curriculum should look like to support development of communication and language, and the ways that children make progress through knowing and remembering more. The other two are specific to the type of setting: one for registered early years settings and one for schools, both explaining how Ofsted look at communication and language on inspection.