
Research and statistics

Best start in life: a research review for Early Years This is three-part subject-based curriculum research review focused on early years education. We have added Best Start in Life Part 2, the 3 Prime Areas of Learning
Statistical commentary: a focus on childminders  This commentary looks at a range of analysis and trends that might help explain some of the barriers to joining the childminding profession and those that may contribute to childminders leaving.
Childcare providers and inspections: management information - Management information aggregating registered childcare providers and inspections and their outcomes.
Glossary of terms: Ofsted statistics - Explanation of terms used in Ofsted’s official and national statistical releases.
Childcare providers and inspections as at 31 March 2023 - release includes registered childcare providers and places, inspection outcomes, and joiners and leavers as at 31 March 2023.

International experts highlight the importance of a child’s early years - report exploring early years provision in an international context.
Parental perceptions of childcare in England - A research report on qualitative interviews with parents of children under 5 years old covering affordability, availability and flexibility of childcare


Early Years Provider Non Compliance - Action by Ofsted

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What happens if someone complains about me? Martin Williams, Principal Officer, Operations, and Penny Fisher, Early Years Senior HMI, explain what their teams do when we receive information about an early years provider.

Guidance on writing complaint and compliance action outcome summaries The steps Ofsted or the Provider take to make sure their setting is complying with the requirements for registration. Ofsted do this when they have looked into a concern or a notification. It applies to those providers on the Early Years Register. These outcome summaries are published on the same page as the provider’s reports on our website.

Early education entitlements and funding - Information about the 2023 Spring Budget announcement on early years entitlements and associated funding

Nanny: Ofsted requirements - Nannies registered with Ofsted must follow these requirements.

Daycare providers on the compulsory Childcare Register: Ofsted requirements - Requirements you must meet if you are an Ofsted-registered out of school club, nursery or other type of daycare on the compulsory part of the Childcare Register

Childminders only

Consented addresses for childminders and domestic childcare - updated consented addresses for childminders as of 29 February 2020

Providing Childcare and the 2 hour rule - find out how you can still register with Ofsted if you provide childcare immediately before or after school for less than 2 hours in a day

Childminders - reporting a new adult in the home  You must tell Ofsted about new people aged 16 or over who live or work in the home you look after children in within 14 days. This includes children who turn 16. This page explains the process 

Get a background check if you live or work with a childminder This explains how to get the check you need to have if you are aged 16 or over and you live or work in a childminder's home.

A webinar for childminders - The third instalment of our termly webinars for childminders, featuring Wendy Ratcliff and Julie-Ann Morris from the Ofsted early years team and Sarah Neville from Knutsford Childminding. The panel discussed ratios, safeguarding and the EIF.

Childminders on the compulsory Childcare Register: Ofsted requirements - Requirements you must meet if you are a childminder and registered with Ofsted on the compulsory part of the Childcare Register.

Childminder agencies: inspection guidance - Guidance for childminder agencies about the main activities carried out by inspectors. It also sets out the judgements that inspectors will make.

Applying to work for up to 50% of the time on non-domestic premises (EYA) - Apply to work on non-domestic premises for up to half of your time

Informing Ofsted

Childcare - reporting children's accidents and injuries - Find out whether you need to tell Ofsted about an accident, injury or illness a child suffers while in your care.

Report a serious childcare incident - Ofsted-registered childminders, nannies, nurseries and other daycare must use this service to report significant events affecting their childcare within 14 days.

EY3a Notification to Ofsted - changes to people in the organisation

Add another setting to your nursery or other daycare organisation - You must apply to Ofsted to include additional premises in the registration of your nursery or other daycare


Carrying out childcare register inspections - This guidance is for Ofsted inspectors carrying out inspections of providers that are only registered on either or both parts of the Childcare Register. We publish it on our website to be transparent. 

Non compliance with the Early Years and Childcare registers - An explanation of what happens to those judged inadequate on the Early Years Register and those not meeting registration requirements on the Childcare Register. 

Early Years and Childcare providers judged inadequate or not complying with requirements at inspection

The Ofsted registers

Inspecting registered childcare providers - information for parents

Ofsted handbooks and frameworks -  All handbooks and frameworks for the remits that Ofsted inspects and/or regulates

Short Films

What does 'cultural capital' mean for Early Years? Wendy Ratcliff, Her Majesty's Inspector, Early Years Policy, explains how 'cultural capital' applies to early years and gives children the knowledge and skills to prepare them for future success.

Webinars: early years curriculum - a focus on communication and language – Ofsted have published five short webinars. These explain why communication and language are so important, what a good curriculum should look like to support development of communication and language, and the ways that children make progress through knowing and remembering more. The other two are specific to the type of setting: one for registered early years settings and one for schools, both explaining how Ofsted look at communication and language on inspection.