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Transport Support

Travel/Transport assistance for young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities.

As students get older and approach statutory school leaving age it is expected that those who are able should be offered the opportunity to gain a variety of life skills, including independent travel where possible.

Hounslow Local Authority does not expect to provide travel assistance for post-16 student attending colleges, although in some cases it may exceptionally do so.

In exceptional circumstances Hounslow Local Authority may provide alternative or additional travel assistance for pupils with a Statement of Special Education Needs or Education Health and Care plan who are remaining in the same educational placement, where support with travel was provided up to the age of 16.

In such cases, Hounslow Local Authority would consider whether there are exceptional factors that warrant a continuation of travel assistance. The type of travel assistance will be based on an assessment of the young person’s needs.

Students beyond the age of 19 with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities should contact School Travel Assistance Team.

Contact details:
Telephone: 020 8583 4177