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Support for education and school professionals SENSS



Service Description:
If you work in a school setting with children and young people aged 0 to 19, you can get advice about supporting young people with:
Vision impairment Hearing impairment Physical disabilities and Complex medical conditions You can get support and guidance on how to support a child with sensory and physical disabilities, complex medical needs, training needs for staff, specialist equipment and much more.
If you’re a parent, you can find further information from the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Team by email: SEN@hounslow.gov.uk or telephone: 020 8583 2672 or the EHCP section
People we support:
teachers, support staff and other professionals families with children under 5 years old with complex needs private, voluntary and independent organisations, and pre-school settings SEND support you can get assessment of a child's sensory and physical disability needs training (including mentoring teachers undergoing training in hearing, visual and multi-sensory impairment) advice and information classroom, curriculum and access support home/ school liaison contact with other professionals monitoring how support is implemented and the impact it's having specialist equipment guidance service for pre-school children with complex disabilities Areas covered by support vision impairment Support for parents due to COVID-19 Support for Schools due to COVID-19 hearing impairment Support for parents due to COVID-19 Support for Schools due to COVID-19 physical disability and complex medical needs Advice for parents due to COVID-19 Advice for schools due to COVID-19 Contact us if you are a SENCO please complete a request for involvement.
If you’re a professional working with young people and need advice on a child's disabilities, medical condition or sensory impairments please complete a referral.
