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Parenting courses
Please note making a referral does not guarantee a space on a course. The relevant team running the course will then make contact with you.
Family Links Parenting Programme at your local Children's Centres
This programme is by referral only. It offers simple and effective tools to help, parents of
children aged 0-5 years,
understand and manage feelings and behaviour. See the
Children's Centre timetables
for the courses running this term. If you would like to enquire about the courses please email
Michaela Clapson
Parent courses from the Family First Intensive Support team
The 123 Magic Behaviour Management Programme
A programme for parents and carers of
children aged 2 - 12 years diagnosed with ADHD or display challenging behaviour.
Easy to follow steps to manage challenging behaviour with reason, patience and compassion.
The programme provides simple tools for c
ontrolling / managing unacceptable behaviour such as:
testing and manipulative behaviour such as whining, badgering, physical attacks, swearing, aggression
Encouraging positive behaviour:
morning and bedtime routines,
eating meals,
household chores,
cleaning up after themselves
Strengthening the child - parent relationship (and building your child’s self-esteem)
Surviving Your Adolescents
A programme for parents of
children aged 13-18 years
exhibiting frequent challenging behaviour both in and out of the home
Increasing the parents’ and carers’ ability to communicate and to reduce the risks that the young people face.
Learn how to manage and understand teen risk-taking
Discuss problems to let go of as a parent
Consider how your relationship affects your teen’s safety ·
Be introduced to an array of services which can offer further support
Feel empowered to engage with your teenager
For more information and courses dates, email
Family First Intensive Support team
To register, complete the
referral form
Caring Dads Group - C4F Feltham TW13 4LZ (Opens in New Window)
A 17-week parenting course for fathers . The father needs to be in contact with their children or have the expectation of being in contact with them.
Let’s Talk. A 12 week programme for children and mothers affected by domestic violence.
Supporting children, to process their experiences and begin the healing process. Also for mothers to understand how to help and communicate with their children.
We run groups for Infants (year 1-3), Juniors (year 4-6) and teens (years 7-8 or years 8-9).
Email Lets Talk
for more details and the next course dates.
Contact Hounslow has organised workshops for SEND parents (Opens in New Window)
Find out more about the workshops:
An Overview of Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
Using AAC to Support Non-Speaking Autistic Children’s Communication
Sensory Processing and Sleep and SEND and Growing up: Puberty, Sex and Relationships on the Local Offer website
Online courses and support
Parenting courses available from Learn Hounslow
Keeping your child safe on-line
Understanding children's mental health
Supporting children's emotional development
020 8583 6000
Solihull Approach online courses (Opens in New Window)
Free access to online courses for parents, carers, grandparents and teens living in the borough
Free Parents of Tweens Course (9 to 12 years) (Opens in New Window)
Guides to help parents through topics that provide skills to build your child’s resilience and resistance to:
hypersexualized culture
the impacts of pornography
Family Links parenting programmes (Opens in New Window)
Parentchannel.tv (0-19 years) (Opens in New Window)
Over 200 videos covering wellbeing, learning and behaviour across 4 different age groups.
Parent Talk (Opens in New Window)
Free and confidential live chat with a parenting coach.
Family Support Services