Special Educational Needs support

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO)

If your child has special needs or a disability arrange to meet with the SENCO when you visit. They will be able to talk to you about the experience and training and the support the staff can offer.

SEN Support

  • Are specialists or therapists allowed to visit the setting?
  • What support can be put in place to support your child?
  • Are they able to access funding to support your child?
  • If needed can they arrange additional staff to support your child?
  • How many of the staff have accessed training specific to working with a child with SEND?

Jade and Preston's story

Jade is mum to Preston. She didn't have many opportunities for him to mix with children his own age. Her son's nursery have been excellent in supporting Preston to access the childcare that he needs, making the very minor adaptations that will allow him to feel comfortable and develop around other children.