Unregistered childcare


Childcare providers do not have to register with Ofsted if:
  • the children are aged eight and over
  • the childcare only takes place between 6pm and 2am
  • it takes place fewer than two hours a day, or 14 days a year
  • it takes place in the parents' home
  • no payment or reward is received for the services

Funding and relatives

If you are using a relative to look after your child without payment, they do not have to register with Ofsted. If you are paying your relative and looking for government support with these payments, various rules will apply depending on the circumstances.
Government funding for 2, 3 and 4 year olds
This funding is not available for childminders who care for their own child or a related child. This applies even if they are claiming for other children. You can claim government funding if your relative works for a school, pre-school or a day nursery that your child is attending.
Nannies are unable to register on the Early Years Register and so cannot receive government funding. They can receive Tax Free Childcare.
Tax Free Childcare and Universal Credits
You can claim help with the cost of childcare through Tax Free Childcare and Universal credits when using a relative. Your relative must adhere to the following:
  • Register as an Ofsted registered childminder
  • Look after your child away from your home
  • Advertise their childminding services
  • Care for other unrelated children at the same time
Grandparents and other relatives providing childcare may be able to claim National Insurance credits. The credits are for anyone who is providing care for a young relative under the age of 12 to enable a parent to work. These credits are known as Specified Adult Childcare credits

Tutoring, coaching and clubs

A person does not have to register is they are providing a tutoring or coaching service in either one or two of the following activities to children aged 3 and over:
  • school study support or homework support
  • sports
  • performing arts
  • arts and crafts
  • religious, cultural or language studies
However, you cannot look after children under 5 for more than 4 hours in any one day without registering with Ofsted