Childminders Designated Safeguarding Lead

Target audience:
This course is for childminders acting as designated safeguarding leads within their childminding settings
Course outline
This course is particularly aimed at staff who:
  • Hold specific responsibilities for safeguarding children
  • Are expected to take the lead safeguarding role within their childminding settings.
  • Are responsible for managing concerns about children.
  • Are responsible for reporting allegations against professionals or themselves.
The overall aim of the course is to raise awareness of child safeguarding and the key responsibilities of the Designated Safeguarding Lead. We will explore types, signs and indicators of abuse and vulnerabilities. Furthermore, we will discuss factors to consider when there is a child welfare concern or allegation. We will address some of the possible challenges in managing the lead role as well as identifying best practice for confidentiality, sharing of information and recording processes.
On this course you will:
  • Describe the role of the designated safeguarding lead (DSL)
  • Describe key legislation & guidance that underpins the role
  • Identify the steps childminders need to take to ensure the safety of children
  • Understand Hounslow reporting pathways
  • Understand the importance of recording, storing & sharing information
  • Update on current safeguarding priorities and concerns
  • Discuss how to overcome organisational barriers to reporting concerns
  • Consider working together towards positive outcomes for children
  • Think about safeguarding issues relating to their own conduct
  • Practice safeguarding case scenarios.
Our Local Children’s Safeguarding board suggest that designated leads complete training of a child protection element every year. This is not the same designated training however it is elements of child protection such as female genital mutilation, domestic violence etc.
Date: Saturday 1 February 2025
Time: 10am - 2pm
Venue: Alexandra Montessori, 36 Springwell Road, Heston, Hounslow, TW5 9EJ
Cost: £25 per delegate (childminders)
Facilitator: Early Years and Childcare service